Mobile App / Web App / Website
5 min read

Web design that streamlines your technical chops.

What we do?

Equal is your one-stop eCommerce web design agency of choice when you are looking for field-tried experience, guaranteed quality, and market-shaping solutions. That streamlines your technical chops.

Namely, we handle the following:

  • Mapping solutions for web design, planning, and outlining the MVP scope;
  • Full-cycle designed or developed web, mobile, and desktop applications;
  • SWOT analysis and benchmarking of finished solutions for top results;
  • Testing, QA, support, and optimization of designs and applications.

What we deliver?

We offer equally outstanding solutions when it comes to any purpose, scope, and complexity – from lightweight web and mobile apps to custom eCommerce website designs and complex platforms.

An extensive portfolio and certified expertise backs the range of digital products we create. We put your tech ideas and business needs at the core of robust, demand-stimulating solutions.

The range of products and services we offer includes:

  • Wireframing, prototyping, and MVP development, including preliminary strategies, competitive analyses, and field research;
  • UI/UX design and implementation, including the creation of UIs for Android apps and iOS solutions;
  • Creation and optimization of separate UI/UX elements, features, and architectures, including custom features and integrations;
  • Custom eCommerce web solutions, including web-only, mobile, and desktop applications for commercial purposes.
  • Redesign and improvement of existing products, including UX audit, functional/non-functional analyses, and recommendations.

We have seasoned eCommerce web designers putting in-depth experience at the core of your concepts and products.

How to start working on the UI/UX of the future project?

All you need to do to kick off a new UI/UX design and implementation project is contact our agency and let us know what you have in mind. We provide individual consultations, handle all required preliminary analyses, and help you achieve the best-optimized cost for developing a mobile app, a web product, a desktop solution, or separate UI/UX elements.

Software Requirements Specification and Solution vision is the first thing you need

At Equal, we offer full-cycle UI/UX design and development services where we take care of all steps of the project along the way. However, you can help us achieve the best results and really «hit the spot» with your expectations if you have clear goals, requirements, and overall project vision.

Any type of existing web design documents, previously implemented assets, and other input information also come in more than handy when outlining your unique project implementation roadmap.

MVP scope, defined features, and prioritized backlog are the things you can’t start without

As a client, only you know what exactly you are looking to get as a result of the custom eCommerce app design. We complete your requirements and wishes with professional input and may guide you along the way with insightful audits and recommendations. Consider the full package of eCommerce web development services we offer, and let’s build something tailored to your vision and truly unique.

Serhii Guba
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Serhii Huba
Founder of Equal
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